
Construction of evaluation index system for river’s healthy life

  • 摘要: 维持河流健康生命,实现人水和谐是我国新时期治河目标。在探讨河流健康生命内涵的基础上,构建了河流健康生命评价指标体系。该评价体系既考虑了人类社会需求的满足程度,又考虑了维持河流自身生命的需要,从生态学、河流地貌学、经济学、河流动力学等多学科综合角度,构建了分层次分类别反映河流结构和河流功能的16个具体指标,并明确相应指标的意义及确定方法,最后选择分层次二元对比专家分析法确定指标权重。


    Abstract: Maintaining river's healthy life and realizing human-water harmony are our goal of the river management in the new era. Based on approaching the meaning of river's healthy life,this paper constructs evaluation index system for river's healthy life,which takes into consideration the satisfiactory degree of human society as well as the requirements of river's own life. From the multi-disciplinary synthesis,such as ecology,river morphology,economics,river mechanics,etc.,it constructs sixteen specific indices which reflect river structure and function at different layers and classes,indicates the meaning and the determination approach to the indices,and finally determines the index weight through the layered binary compared the expert analysis method.


