
Analytic expression for partially-filled flow velocity in pipe of circular section

  • 摘要: 工程实际中,常需要计算某一充满度下管道非满流的流量及流速。目前大多数计算模型均采用水力半径作为反映过流断面形状及几何尺寸的特征参数。针对不同充满度的研究结果表明,这种类型模型的计算结果与真实的流动特性并不相符,尤其当水深接近管顶时。根据水动力学基本原理及试验研究手段,对圆形断面管道无压均匀流流量-充满度非单一性进行了探索,并提出了以流量作为形状特征参数的更为合理且简单实用的水流流速计算表达式。


    Abstract: The pipelines with circular cross section are widely used in the pract ical engineering. It is necessary to determine the flow discharge and the velocity under the partially filled condition. Most of the existing formulations use hydraulic radius as a characteristic-length parameter to reflect the influence of cross-section shape. The studies indicate that the results calculated from these types of formulations represent poorly the actual flow characteristics,especialy when the flow depth reaches the top of pipe. Based upon the principle of hydrodynamics and the experimental study,the dyadic characteristics between the flow discharge and the degree of fullness for the partially fil ed uniform flow in circular-section pipelines are fully analyzed,and a more accurate expression using discharge as the shape parameter is developed.


