
Water isotopic and hydrochemical characteristics and causality in Tajikistan

  • 摘要: 2011年9~10月采集了中亚干旱半干旱地区塔吉克斯坦不同区域的河水、泉水和湖水,通过不同水体样品水化学指标、氢氧同位素分析,初步研究了该区域水化学类型和同位素空间分布特征,并探讨了其形成原因和环境意义。研究结果表明:塔吉克斯坦河水和泉水的主要水化学类型为Ca-HCO3-型,水体离子主要来源于方解石和白云石风化,局部地区受蒸发岩风化和硅酸盐风化的影响,偶见Ca-SO42-和Na-HCO3-型水体分布。湖泊多分布在东部山区,受多年干旱蒸发影响,水化学类型为Mg-SO42-和Na-Cl-型,以微咸水和咸水湖为主。研究区内河水和泉水氢氧同位素变化范围分别为-129.38×10-3~-65.19×10-3和-17.06×10-3~-9.33×10-3,空间上从东向西逐渐富集。受水体来源的区域差异影响,东部和西部河水水体氢氧同位素关系式存在明显不同。反映了东部地区河水以冰川补给为主,西部地区以降水补给为主,而湖水氢氧同位素的变化主要反映了水体蒸发程度。


    Abstract: Main ions and hydrogen, oxygen isotopes were measured in samples of lake water, river water and spring water, which were collected from various locations of the Tajikistan region during the period from September through October 2011.The spatially distributed characteristics of these hydrochemical variables are analyzed to further explore the causes of formation and their environmental significance.The results show that the ion product of water can be used to represent the environment character in different areas of Tajikistan.Ca2+ and HCO3- are the dominant ions in lake water and spring water, which are mainly come from the calcite and dolomite weathering.Ca-SO42- and Na-HCO3- are found in few water samples resulting from the evaporation and silicate weathering.The lakes of Tajikistan are mostly located in the east mountainous area with the quality types of Mg-SO42- and Na-Cl-, impacted by long term evaporations.Slight saline and saline lakes are most common in the area induced by the arid climate condition.The hydrogen, oxygen isotopes of river and spring water in Tajikistan vary from -129.38×10-3 to -65.19×10-3 and -17.06×10-3 to -9.33×10-3 respectively.Spatially, these hydrochemical variables are enriched gradually from east to west, which indicate that the water supply of rivers and springs in the east is replenished by glacier melting and those in the west, precipitation is the main source of water supply.The relationships between hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of east and west river water are significantly different as the result of different sources of water supply.The variation of hydrogen, oxygen isotopes in lakes mainly reflect the amount of evaporated water from lake surfaces.


