
Hydrodynamics development in vegetated open channel

  • 摘要: 提出了基于河道管理、河流修复与水资源可持续发展的含植物明渠水动力学研究理念,强调了含植物明渠水动力学研究的重要意义.从含植物水流的时均阻力特性、紊流机理的物理模型试验研究及数值模拟计算研究等几方面,深入介绍了国内外关于含植物明渠水动力学研究进展.指出:必须进一步解决对柔性植物枝叶形状及柔韧度的相似模拟;建立柔性植物的刚度、水流特性及阻力特性之间的定量规律;进一步研究含植物水流各向异性的紊流特性;发展更为精细的大涡数值模型来研究水深较大的复杂的各向异性紊流等有待于深入探讨的问题.


    Abstract: Base on the idea of river management,the river restoration and the sustainable development of water resources,the hydrodynamics investigation in the veget ated open channel is brought forward.The importance of the hydrodynamic research in vegetated channel is emphasized.The studies of the flow resistance and the turbulent mechanism in the vegetated channel are introduced both at home and abroad.It is pointed out that the simulation of the shape and temper of the flexible vegetation and the quant itative rule between the flow resistance and the toughness of vegetation,and the complicated anistropic turbulence needs to be solved.The more refined numerical model of large eddy simulation must be invented to tackle the anistropic turbulence in the deep vegetated channel.


