
Assessment of phosphorus release from typical soil types in the zone of fluctuating water level in the Three Gorges reservoir region

  • 摘要: 由于三峡水库水位消落区具有特殊的水文特征和发达的农业耕作管理,该地区成为库区磷释放的一个敏感地带.对消落区土壤磷释放特征的研究对保护水库水质有着重要的意义.模拟三峡水环境的磷浓度,对消落区中典型土壤类型进行淹水模拟实验,研究发现,在0.1~1.6 mg/L的水体磷浓度范围内,土壤磷释放特征呈现出3种模式,即释放型、吸附型和释放/吸附型.水土界面的磷行为主要取决于土壤EPC0与水体中磷浓度的关系.当土壤EPC0高于初始磷浓度时则以释放为主;低于初始浓度则以吸附为主.借助土壤磷素水平与EPC0的相关关系,以Olsen-P为评价指标,可确定三种模式的阈值.当土壤Olsen-P含量高于123 mg/kg时,土壤为释放型,这类土壤的分布区是磷污染源区;当土壤Olsen-P含量低于14.4 mg/kg时,土壤为吸附型,这类土壤分布区不易成为磷释放源;当土壤的Olsen-P含量介于二者之间时,土壤属于释放/吸附型,这类土壤存在源-汇之间的动态转化.


    Abstract: The zone of fluctuating water level in the Three Gorges reservoir area is a vulnerable area for non point source pollution according to the special hydrological characteristics and agriculture practices.In the zone of fluctuating water level of the studied Three Gorges Watershed,ten typical soil samples with four soil types and four patterns of land use are selected.The simulative study on the risk of submerged soil phosphorus leakage to the reservoir is conducted.Under the submerged simulation with the phosphate concentration of the solution,ranging from 0.1 mg/L to 1.6 mg/L,the interactions of soil and phosphate of water are divided to three patterns:release,sorption,and combination of release and sorption The patterns are distinguished by the relationship between the equilibrium P concentration at zero sorption(EPC0) and the phosphate concentration of solution With the significantly relat ivity between EPC0 and Olsen-P,Olsen-P is used as an index which provides the thresh old of three patterns When Olsen-P of soil is lower than 14.4 mg/kg,EPC0 of the soil is lower than 0.1 mg/L,then the soil will absorb the P of native water,and this type of soil is the sink of P.When Olsen-P of soil is beyond 123 mg/kg,EPC0 of the soil is higher than 1.6 mg/L,then the soils P will be released to the native water When Olsen-P of soil is between 14.4 mg/kg and 123 mg/kg,the soil will release or retain phosphorus according to the PO43- concentration in native water.


