
Interfacial wave motion in an impermeable rigid channel with stratified density fluid system, 2, Waveform feature against stratification thickness ratio

  • 摘要: 在两层流体中,内波的特性受到许多控制变因的影响,其中包括上下层水深比、造波区位能差(位能大小)、上下层的密度比等。本文以成功大学水工试验所研发的MNDAS套装软件记录,协助数据分析及处理,研究上下层水深比对内波波型的影响,当水深比值差异越大造成的孤立波形与明显,且Kdv及修正mKdV可以合理描述内波振幅与频率之间的关系。


    Abstract: This paper presents the results of a series of laboratory experiments on internal solitary wave in a two layer fluid system.The int ernal solitary waves (ISWs) of variable amplitudes and types were experimentally arranged from several physical variables,including the different layer thickness ratios H1/H2,the interface differences η0,and the density ratios ρ12.The wave flume used in this experiment is 12 meter long with a cross section 0.5 m wide and 0.7m in height.Five ultrasonic probes placed at equidistance record the interface fluctuations.The data collection and processing were carried out through control software,Multi Nodes Data Acquisition System (MNDAS).This paper reports physical properties related to wave propagation.By comparing the relationship between nonlinear parameter and characteristic wave frequency,experimental results agreed well with the KdV and mKdV solutions.


