Interfacial wave motion in an impermeable rigid channel with stratified density fluid system, 1, Wave evolution related to various energy conditions
摘要: 在一座二维内波实验水槽(12 m×0.7 m×0.5 m)、于总水深H等于40 cm的条件下,以淡、盐水依密度分层布置的两层流体,从事孤立内波生成的研究。内波水槽内的上下层水深比H1/H2、造波区位能差(η0)、上下层的密度比皆为实验主要的控制变因。在各种不同实验条件配合之下,试验及比较以上变因对内波振幅能量及相关传递系数的影响,进而产生几种不同的波动特性:上举型孤立内波、下沉形孤立内波、非周期性的重力内波等,且不同形式的重力内波需要配合固定的造波条件使能达成。Abstract: The wave flume used in this laboratory experiment is 12 meter long with a cross-section 0.5 m wide and 0.7m in height.The Experiments were conducted to investigate the generation of internal solitary waves (ISW) in a two-layered free surface fluid system.The experimental control conditions include the thickness ratio between the upper and lower fluid H1/H2,step depth η0,and density ratio.The internal waves are thus generated with various waveform types Given positive potential energies,an elevation-type ISW is followed by an anticlockwise overturning motion at the interface; on the other hand,an ISW of depression-type is generated by clockwise motion.The inappropriate configuration in the flume will produce wave fluctuations without period.