
Calculation method for design tide levels based on numerical simulation of tidal current

  • 摘要: 针对一些拟建工程位于潮位不易观测地区的情况,提出了一种设计潮位的推算方法。首先,通过潮流数值计算,获得拟建工程地点一个月以上的短期潮位过程;其次,与临近的、具有长期实测资料的港口或验潮站的潮位进行同步相关分析,建立回归方程;最后,采用《海港水文规范》中的方法推算港口或验潮站的设计潮位,并将其由回归方程换算至拟建工程地点。通过算例的计算分析,表明本文方法是合理的、可行的。


    Abstract: A method for calculating design tide levels is presented for the planned projects in the area where tide levels are hard to measure Firstly,a short-time tide process at the planned project site,that it is more than a month,is obtained by means of the tidal current numerical calculation.Secondly,the synchronization correlation analyses are carried out.By comparing the tide levels at the site with those at a nearby harbour or tide station with long-term measured data,the regressione quations are established.Finally,the design tide levels at the harbour or tide station are calculated by using the method of Code of hydrology for Sea Harbour,and the design tide levels at the site are obtained through the regression equations.The results show that the method proposed in the paper is reasonable and feasible.


