
Sea ice thermodynamic-dynamic model based on smooth particle hydrodynamics

  • 摘要: 考虑海冰热力因素对其厚度、密集度的影响,在光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)基础上发展了一个海冰热力-动力数值模式。该模式既解决了传统欧拉有限差分法和质点网格法存在的数值扩散问题,同时弥补了光滑质点动力学海冰动力模式未考虑热力因素的不足,具有精确模拟冰缘线运动、计算精度高等优点。首先介绍了光滑质点流体动力学的基本原理,并对海冰生消的热力因素进行了分析,将影响冰厚和密集度的热力因素引入到光滑质点流体动力学的海冰动力模式中,得到该热力-动力模式的控制方程。应用该数值模式对渤海海冰进行了48 h数值模拟,得到了海冰厚度和速度矢量的分布规律;对JZ20-2海域的海冰厚度、冰内温度场分布以及热力因素的变化特性进行了讨论。数值模拟结果表明,该数值模式能够很好地适用于渤海海冰数值模拟,是一种有效的海冰数值模拟方法。


    Abstract: Considering the influences of sea ice thermodynamic factors on the ice conditions,such as thickness,concentration,a sea ice thermodynamic-dynamic model is established based on the smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH).In this sea ice model,the numerical diffusion in the traditional methods of the finite difference method (FDM) and the particle-in-cell (PIC) is avoided,while the ice edges can be modeled with high precision when the thermodynamics is introduced into the sea ice numerical model of SPH.In this paper,the basic theory of SPH and the thermodynamic factors of sea ice are presented first.The governing equations of the sea ice thermodynamics-dynamics are addressed by the using the thermodynamics to calculate the ice thickness and concentration in the SPH numerical simulation of the sea ice dynamics With this current sea ice model,the sea ice in Bohai Sea is simulated in 48 hours,and the distributions of sea ice thickness and drifting velocity in the whole ice field are obtained Moreover,the ice thickness,the temperature in vertical direction and the other thermodynamic factors are also discussed in detail.With the numerical results above,it can be concluded that this sea ice thermodynamic-dy-namic model based on the SPH method is an effective numerical model,and can be applied well in the sea ice simulation of Bohai Sea.


