
Experimental study on hydraulic roughness of revetment with grass cover

  • 摘要: 生态护岸工程可以在保护河岸的同时对河道生态系统起到良好的维护作用,其中草本植物因其生长快、易存活成为生态护岸的重要工程材料。草皮护坡糙率实验对36组草皮试件的糙率进行了系统的实验研究。研究表明,草皮糙率的大致范围为0.020~0.090,主要与土壤类型、肥沃程度、水流条件等有关。通过实验数据分析发现:草皮糙率随生长期而增加;加筋草皮(基土中设置三维加筋材料的草皮)的糙率普遍大于天然草皮糙率。


    Abstract: The ecological revetment engineering can protect river ecosystem health well,and is used widely in the channel revetment.The flexible vegetation is a main kind of engineering materials in the ecological revetment engineering,because it grows quickly and can be easily planted and constructed.In this study,36 samples of turf and reinforced turf were tested,and the vegetation's hydraulic roughness was calculated.The experiment proves that the hydraulic roughness of the turf used in revetment ranges from 0.020 to 0.090.The roughness depends on the different categories of soil,period of growth and way of reinforcement.The data proves that the roughness of reinforced turf is higher than the turf generally.


