
Advances in stochastic simulation of Hydrology

  • 摘要: 综述了近20年来水文随机模拟的新进展,包括三方面:①随机水文模型改进和创新;②水文随机模拟应用研究新进展;③水文随机模拟认识新进展。并指出了今后的研究重点:①对水文过程的重要物理特性和统计特性作深入的分析;②加强非参数模型和非线性模型的研究;③加强流域系统随机模型的研究;④加强建立模型时如何综合利用多种信息的研究;⑤加强模型的各种检验和合理分析。


    Abstract: The new advances in hydrology stochastic simulation are introduced.Those advances are as following: the modification and presentation of stochastic models, and new advances in the application of hydrology stochastic simulat ion and knowledge of hydrology stochastic simulation.Finally the further study directions are prospected: (1) the physical and statistical characteristics of hydrology time series, (2) the nonparametric stochastic model and the nonlinear stochastic model, (3) the stochastic model based on basin system, (4) the approaches of application of more hydrological information during construct ing the stochastic model, and (5) the test and validation of stochastic hydrological model.


