Characterizing heterogeneity of water flow and solute transport in the porous media using dye tracer
摘要: 通过土壤染色剂进行的4组试验,对不同介质结构条件下的水流和溶质非均匀运动规律,非均匀流动变异信息分布特征关系以及全局性非均匀流动示踪方法进行了研究。结果表明,即使在相对比较均匀的介质条件下,流动也表现出明显的非均匀特性;对数正态分布能够较好的反映水流的运动分布模式,相比水流运动,溶质的运动和分布规律明显不同,表现出更多的不确定性和变异性。Abstract: In this study, the heterogeneous flow transport patterns are investigated in various soil stmctures to address the flow heterogeneity issue.The objectives are to investigate heterogeneity of soil water flow and solute transport, to characterize the heterogeneity information included in different water and the concentration distribution patterns, and to exam the dye tracer method to visualize flow paths.The experunents were carried out in four different soils.The dyed preferential pathways were observed in all the experiments.The lognmmal distribution was used to descxlbe the heterogeneity of water flow patterns.Compared with water flow, the concentration distributions show higher heterogeneity and uncertainty.