
Experimental study of the velocity of subaqueous non-hydroplaning debris flows

  • 摘要: 水下泥石流阻力与陆面中泥石流运动阻力的不同点在于上表面的掺混阻力和剪切阻力。由一系列的室内无水滑的水下泥石流和陆面泥石流实验研究得出:水下泥石流运动速度与相同条件下陆面泥石流运动速度之比随不同性质的泥石流,如粘性和稀性泥石流,由于其屈服应力的巨大差别,有很大的不同。由实验得到的由泥石流体的容重和量纲为一的泥石流屈服应力表达的水下无水滑泥石流运动速度和陆面泥石流运动速度用于无水滑水下泥石流运动速度计算较好。


    Abstract: The main difference between resistances of subaqueous debris flows and the subaerial debris flows are the intermingling and shearing resistances acted on the surface of debris flows.By a series of experiments on the subaqueous debris flows and subaerial debris flows, we can get the velocity ratio of subaqueous debris flows and subaerial debris flows at the same condit ions.The characteristics of debris flow, such as the yield stress, are strongly affecting the velocity relationship of subaqueous debris flows and subaerial debris flows.An equation on the velocity relationship of subaqueous debris flows and subaerial debris flows is given based on the dimensionless yield stress and density of debris flows by non hydroplaning subaqueous debris flows experiments.With the subaerial debris flows calculating, this equat ion is good at calculating the velocity of non-hydroplaning subaqueous debris flows.


