
Threshold value for water resources exploitation and utilization in Haihe River basin

  • 摘要: 针对中国水资源开发利用程度较高等问题,在水资源耗减、水环境退化等价值量核算方面开展研究,提出合理的水资源开发利用阈值。以联合国综合环境经济核算体系为基础,从水资源开发利用带来的正面效益和负面效益两方面入手,通过构建水资源环境经济效益评价模型(EMW),分析经水资源耗减和水环境退化价值调整后国内产出(WEDP),并从社会福利最大化角度,提出将WEDP最大化目标下的用水量作为合理的水资源开发利用阈值。经评价,海河流域现状和2020年合理的水资源开发利用阈值分别为292亿m3和287亿m3。结果表明,海河流域已经超过了其开发利用阈值,对水生态环境系统造成了负面影响。


    Abstract: Aimed at addressing the problem of overexploitation of water resources, the current study focuses on the issues concerning economic accounting for water resources and its depletion and environmental degradation.The reasonable threshold value can thus be determined for water resources development and utilization.Based on the UN System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) tool, an evaluation model is developed to estimate the water environment adjusted net domestic product (WEDP) after consideration of the consequences of water resources depletion and degradation.The pros and cons of water resources depletion and degradation are considered in the model development.The maximization of WEDP is set for the objective of water consumption, and is used as the reasonable threshold value for water resources development and utilization.For the Haihe River basin, the current and 2020 threshold values should be 29.2 billion m3 and 28.7 billion m3, respectively.However, the status quo on water resources development and utilization has already exceeded these reasonable threshold values, causing eco-environment damages across the basin.


