Method for evaluating the fairness of water use in Guangdong province
摘要: 借鉴评价收入公平性中基尼系数的基本内涵,构建了一种区域用水量公平性的评估方法。以广东省2005年用水量为例,应用基尼系数法分析了人口、GDP、水资源量等指标对用水量分配的影响,分别绘制了各个影响因素的洛伦兹曲线,并计算了基尼系数值,最后分析了2000-2005年各个影响因素基尼系数的变化趋势。结果表明:基于人口、GDP、水资源量等影响因素的用水量洛伦兹曲线能较好地反映出用水量的公平性,可为更好地预测水资源需求和配置水资源等提供依据。Abstract: According to the concept of Gini coefficient(GC),an index for estimating equity of the income,a method for evaluating fairness of water use is established. This method is used to assess the water use in Guangdong province in 2005,and the factors which are correlated to the allocation of water use are analyzed using the GC. The Lorenz curves of each factor are drawn,and the Gini coefficients are also calculated and analyzed. At last,the trend of the GC of each factor from 2000 to 2005 is given. The results show that the Lorenz curves and the GC of each factor can indicate the fairness of water use and also be helpful for water demand prediction and allocation.