
Agriculture irrigation water requirements change and R/S analysis of Jinshajiang dry-arid valley in recent 40 years

  • 摘要: 基于元谋、宾川、东川、祥云、楚雄及昆明等6个站1960-2000年的逐月气象数据及作物种植、农业耕作等资料,采用Mann-Kendall法和R/S分析法研究了金沙江干热河谷近40多年来的干湿变化及农业灌溉需水量转折变化趋势。结果表明,整个河谷内降水量增加、日照时数减少,气温却出现升高和降低两种趋势,气温在干热河谷内为下降,但在龙川江、鱼泡江、普渡河等支流的上游地区呈升高趋势,但ET0都显著降低,干湿指数、水稻及农业综合灌溉需水定额也都呈普遍下降的趋势;金沙江河谷及支流上游的气象因子、ET0、干湿指数、水稻灌溉及农业综合灌溉定额系列的转折变化集中在20世纪70年代末~80年代初、80年代末~90年代初两个时段,在降水量最小的宾川站,对气候变化的响应更为敏感。


    Abstract: Based on the monthly climate records of Yuanmou,Binchan,Dongchuan,Xiangyun,Chuxiong,and Kunming stations in the period 1960-2000,as well as crop pattern and cultivate data in 2000,the Mann-Kendall trend and the Rescaled Range Analysis(abbr.R/S)method are adopted to research the tendency in aridity-humidity and irrigation water requirements in Jinshajiang dryarid valley in the last 40 years. The results show that the precipitation and the temperature decrease,and sunshine hours increase in the valley. But the temperature increases in the branch upstream of Longchuanjiang,Yupaojiang, Puduhe,etc,thus,results in ET0 decreases remarkable in Jinshajiang basin. Furthermore,the aridity-humidity index,paddy irrigation quota and total agriculture irrigation quota also decreases. The turn point of climate factors,ET0,aridity-humidity index,paddy irrigation quota and total agriculture irrigation quota in Jinshajiang valley are focused the late 1970s-1980s and the late 1980s the early 1990s,and Binchuan station which occurs minimum precipitation is most sensitivity to climates change.


