
Study of clarification for riparian-buffer to non-point pollution

  • 摘要: 选择百慕大、白花三叶草、高羊茅三种土著植被和2%、3%、4%、5%4个不同坡度构建了缓冲带现场试验基地,开展面源污染防治试验。结果表明,滨岸缓冲带能有效截留径流水中的悬浮物质和降解渗流水中的氮、磷营养物质;植被和坡度的不同对缓冲带污染物净化效果影响显著,19 m长2%坡度缓冲带悬浮物截留率比5%坡度高14%,19 m长百慕大缓冲带悬浮物截留率比高羊茅高11%;进水浓度在10 mg/L以内时,2%坡度百慕大试验带渗流出水TN浓度低于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅴ类水标准;进水浓度在0.6 mg/L左右时,百慕大、白花三叶草、高羊茅和2%、3%、4%试验带渗流出水TP浓度均低于GB3838-2002Ⅲ类水标准;计算出缓冲带最佳宽度,2%坡度试验带比5%坡度试验带节约8.6 m,百慕大试验带比高羊茅试验带节约4.3 m。


    Abstract: In this non-point pollution control experiment,three local swards: Cynodon dactylon,Festuca Arundinace,and Trifolium repens,and four gradients: 2,3,4,and 5% are selected to construct the buffer strips test base.The final results show that: the riparian buffer strips can effectively remove SS in runoff water and the nutrients in seepage water; the differences of sward and gradient have notable influence on the pollutants purification of buffer strips.The SS retention rate of the 2% gradient buffer strip,19 m long is 14% higher than 5% gradient strip; that of the Cynodon dactylon buffer,19 m long is 11% higher than Trifolium repens strip.When the TN concentration of influent is lower than 10 mg/L,that of seepage effluent of 2% gradient Cynodon dactylon strip is lower than Grade V of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (SWQS) (Chinese EPA,2002).When the TP concentration of influent is about 0.6 mg/L,that of seepage effluent of Cynodon dactylon,Festuca Arundinace,Trifolium repens and 2,3,and 4% gradient strips is lower than Grade Ⅲ of SWQS 1 According to the approach used in this paper,the optimal width of 5% gradient buffer strip is 8.6 m longer than 2% strip; and the optimal width of Trifolium repens buffer strip is 4.3 m longer than Cynodon dactylon strip.


