
Characteristics of rainfall interception and stemflow for Salix psammophila in Maowusu sandland, Northwest China

  • 摘要: 通过对毛乌素沙地沙柳灌丛降雨截留量及树干茎流的实验观测,分析了降雨量和降雨强度对沙柳灌丛的降雨截留量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量的影响,并确定了截留量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量在降雨分配中的百分数。实验期间降雨总量为136.5 mm,沙柳灌丛的截留量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量分别为34.0、98.5和4.0 mm,占降雨量的百分比分别为24.9%、72.2%和2.9%。沙柳灌丛的降雨截留量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量与降雨量和10 min最大雨强之间均呈显著正相关,而截留量、穿透雨量占降雨量的百分比与降雨量之间呈显著的双曲线函数关系。


    Abstract: A field study was conducted to investigate rainfall interception and rainfall redistribution by salix psammophila,which is a typical sand-fixat ion plant in Maowusu sandland,Northwest China During the experimental period,from May 23 to Oct 23,2006,there were 21 rainfall events,and the cumulative gross rainfall was 136.5mm The amount of throughfall (TF),stemflow (SF),and canopy interception (IC) was 98.5 mm (72.2%),4.0 mm (2.9%),and 34.0 mm (24.9%),respectively.The statistical analysis shows that there is a significant positive linear correlation between rainfall and TF,SF and IC,respectively (significant level p < 0.0001).The relat ionship between rainfall and the proportion of TF,as well as the pro portion of IC could be matched well by a hyperbola function (signif icant level p < 0 05).Moreover,IC and TF increase with rise of the maximum rain intensity in 10 minutes (I10).


