
MOP of feeding reservoir group optimal operation based on SPEA

  • 摘要: 提出用Pareto强度进化算法解决供水库群的多目标优化调度问题,算法利用种群的进化过程模拟寻找非劣解集的过程,将供水库群多目标优化调度问题的解当作进化种群中的个体,按照解的Pareto强度值与密度进行适应度计算,利用种群中个体的进化操作获得非劣解,最终整个种群进化为非劣解集。实例分析结果表明,算法能实现多峰搜索,最终非劣解集的分布均匀,且收敛速度快,为解决供水库群多目标优化调度问题提供了一种有效的方法。


    Abstract: A strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) to solve the multi-objective programming (MOP) of the feeding reservoir group optimal operation is presented in this paper.The SPEA seeks the Pareto optimal set through the program of the population evolution.The individual in SPEA is abstracted as a solution of the problem.In the process of the individual evolution,the population converge to the Pareto optimal set.The result of case study shows SPEA can solve the MOP of the feeding reservoir optimal operation.The SPEA shows its advantage in multimodal search,the distribution of the final Pareto optimal set and the convergence.Therefore a new efficient method is provided for MOP of the feeding reservoir optimal operation.


