
Development and application of a grid-based distributed hydrological model

  • 摘要: 根据流域降雨径流的基本过程,以蓄满产流理论为基础,建立了一个网格型松散结构的分布式流域水文模型。模型将流域离散为包含河道与不包含河道两种类型的单元格,以协克里金方法插值得到空间离散的降雨输入,考虑的产汇流物理过程包括降雨、植被截留及蒸散发、单元格产流、单元格汇流及河网汇流。模型结构简单,参数较少,在充分利用植被覆盖类型图及土地利用类型图的基础上,能够获得大部分参数的选用值。通过在长江三峡区间沿渡河流域的实际应用,模型计算成果令人满意。


    Abstract: A grid-based distributed hydrological model is proposed,which can simulate the physical processes of hydrological cycle,including precipitation,interception,infiltration,evaptranspiration,runoff generation and flow concentration in each grid and flow routing in river networks.To obtain rainfall values for each grid,the co-Kriging method integrating the altitude influences is applied.To compute evaptranspiration and interception,the land use-cover change information in study site is derived from remote sensing data.To compute the runoff generation in each grid,a relationship between topography index,which can be generated from the digitat elevation model (DEM),and the maximal soil moisture deficit is established.The flow routing paths of effective rainfall in each grid are derived from DEM.The model structure is simple and most parameters can be determined directly from DEM.The model is calibrated and applied to the Yanduhe Basin of Three Gorges flow reach of the Yangtse River.The simulation results are satisfactory.


