
3D turbulence model for the flow and sediment transport with aquatic vegetation

  • 摘要: 水生植物的存在改变了明渠内水流的流动结构,也影响着泥沙的输运。建立三维湍流模型,在水流控制方程中加入植被阻力项和植被密度项来考虑刚性植物对水动力特性和泥沙输运特性的影响。应用该三维数值模型计算了矩形水槽内淹没植被对水流水平时均流速垂向分布的影响、复式明渠边滩栽种挺水植被对水流深度、平均流速分布以及植被岛周围泥沙床面的冲淤变形的影响。数值计算结果与实测结果吻合良好,表明本模型可以有效地描述刚性水生植物对水流泥沙运动的影响。


    Abstract: Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the flow structure in open channels and thus changes the fate and transport of sediment.This paper proposes a 3D turbulence rmdel,introducing vegetation density and drag force to the control equations of water flow with vegetation.The impacts of submerged vegetation on the vertical profiles of horiwntal flow velocities,the changes of the depth-averaged flow velocities in a compound channel with emergent vegetation in the floodplain,and the bed surface topography changes around and in a vegetation island are calculated by the model.The calculated results show a good agreement the with experimental results.


