
Full implicit numerical method for two-dimensional shallow flows in orbicular river cell

  • 摘要: 基于通用河网二维水流模式,采用全隐式矩阵追赶与回代技术,提出了环状河道单元二维数值模拟的通用模型。该模型仿照一维河网的建模方法,通过建立节点水位方程组,能方便地实现全流域二维河网或者一二维河网的隐式耦合求解。通过对长江下游南京八卦洲段分汊河道的数值模拟,表明该方法精度较高,切实有效,能满足实际工程的需要。


    Abstract: Based on the generic 2D river-network model, a generic numerical model for 2D orbicular river cell is presented by applying the full implicit matrix chase-after method.Accoreding to the modeling method for 1D river-network, the model estabilishes the equations of water level nodes which can be easily used to realize the 2D river-network and 1D-2D coupling rivernetwork by a implicit way.With the numerical results about Yangtze Rive branch of BAGUA island in NANJING, it can be indicated that the model is effective and valuable.


