
Hierarchical comparison of alternatives in water transfer project

  • 摘要: 替代方案比选在调水项目可行性研究和环境影响评价中,处于核心地位。结合调水项目环评的特点,提出了替代方案的多层次比选方法,对从上游两个水库向白洋淀调水的项目替代方案进行了案例研究。结果表明,相比传统的不分层比选,多层次比选更能有效避免替代方案的遗漏,提高方案比选的科学性。


    Abstract: Alternative comparison in water transfer project plays an important role in the project feasibility research and the environmental impact assessment.The hierarchical comparison of alternatives, a new technology for project assessment, is developed based on the features of water transfer.The shallow lake, Baiyangdian, is selected as a case study to make a hierarchical comparison of alternatives in water transfer from two upstream reservoirs.Results indicate that the hierarchical comparison of alternatives is proved to be useful in assessing the effectiveness of all alternatives in comparison with convent ional methods, can availably avoid pretermission of alternatives, and compare the analytic alternatives scientifically.


