
Analysis of the precipitation stability and variety trend in the desert region of northern China

  • 摘要: 根据连续估计初始样本值及其所对应的自由度进行多步迭代的估计方法,选择中国北方荒漠区35个站点1951-2005年月降水资料,运用水文序列轮次分析、游程理论和极差理论探讨了降水的稳定性;从降水集度、年际变差等方面用Mann-Kendall秩次相关法剖析了北方荒漠化地区降水在时间、空间上变化趋势。结果表明:各地单独丰水年的概率要高于单独枯水年,而发生连枯年的概率则高于连丰年;极端干旱区和干旱区的降水有增加趋势的地区概率分别为83%和70%,而半干旱地区降水有明显减少趋势的概率为58%。


    Abstract: With the run theory,the displacement and extremum deviation theory,the stability of precipitation are analyzed by the rmnthly precipitation data from 35 sites in the desert region of northern China during 1951-2005.Based on the MannKendall rank statistic method and 2-parameterrainfall concentration index and interannual rainfall variability,the characteristics of precipitation in the temporal and spatial variety are analyzed.Results indicate that:(1) In every where,the probability of high-flow year alone is higher than that of low-flow year alone,and the probability of low-flow year in succession is higher than that of high-flow year in succession,and (2) in extreme arid regions and arid regions,such as Xmjiang,Qinhai and Gansu,the probability of precipitation increase 83% and 70% respectively.On the contrary,in semi-arid regions,like Inn Mongolia,the probability of precipitation decreases by 58%.


