
An integrated assessment of climate change impacts on China’s water resources

  • 摘要: 介绍了近年在气候变化对中国水资源影响研究方面的若干进展。研究表明,中国水资源问题的产生不仅与人口和社会经济快速发展有联系,更与气候环境的显著变化密切相关;未来的气候变化将会导致一些流域水资源更加短缺和洪涝灾害更加频繁,对流域水资源和可持续发展产生重要影响;在流域水资源综合规划与管理中,应十分重视气候变化的影响问题。


    Abstract: The newly advances in the climate change and China's water resources are given in this paper.The results and findings show that the current water resource issue in China is related not only to the rapid growth of population and economic, but also to the obvious climate change and variability over the past 50 years.Future change in climate will probably lead to further shortage of water resources in some river basins and more severe floods in others, threatening the sustainable development of the catchments.The authors recommend that more attention be given to the issue of climate change and variability in planning and managing major river basins' water resources in the future.


