
Regionality and persistence of extreme precipitation events in China

  • 摘要: 利用中国542个站1960-2003年逐日降水资料,分析中国极端降水事件的区域性和持续性,研究发现:滇西藏东一带极端降水的持续性较好,但该地区极端降水的区域性较差;长江以南地区夏季极端降水的区域性与持续性均较好,容易导致区域性洪涝灾害的发生;东南沿海冬季极端降水的区域性与持续性均较好,易形成成片且持续时间在3d或3d以上的极端(较强)降水事件;黄河中下游秋季极端降水的区域性与持续性均较好,该地区秋季发生洪涝的可能性较大;除新疆以外,东北、华北以及西北等大部分北方地区极端降水的持续性以及区域性均较差。


    Abstract: Based on daily rainfall dataset of 542 stations in China between 1960-2003,the regionality and persistence characters of extreme precipitation(EP) are briefly studied in this paper.The results indicate that the persistence of EP in the west of Yunnan and the east of Tibet is higher,while the regionality is lower in these areas.In summer,both the two characters in the south of the Yangtze River are evidently larger,which can induce the regional floods easily.In winter,both the twa characters in the southeast coastal areas are better which might lead to regional stmng rainfall events lasting for three or more days.Both the two characters in Middle-and Low-reaches of the Yellow River are also good in autumn,so that the flood may happen quiet possibly in these areas in the season.The two characters of EP in rmst northern areas of China,except Xmjiang, are qmte poor.


