
Investigation of new technologies for in-situ ice thickness observation

  • 摘要: 冰厚是冰科学和冰工程研究中最关键的物理指标之一,为满足定点冰厚观测不同需要,发展了3种定点冰厚观测新技术。结合它们的测量原理及其现场或实验室的应用结果,论述了它们的适用性和各自的优点。基于磁致伸缩原理的冰厚测量仪现场测量精度达±2mm,解决了制约海冰热力学模式向精细发展的"瓶颈"问题;电阻式冰厚测量仪比利用温度廓线推求冰厚的技术更加可靠,且具有自动测量冰川表面物质平衡,进行河道、湖泊以及水库冰厚观测时同时监测其冰下水位的潜力;热电阻丝冰厚测量装置制作简单廉价、使用方便、数据可靠,在中国北方小型水文站广泛推广是适合的。


    Abstract: Ice thickness is the most fundamentally integrative and crucial parameter for the investigation involving ice science and ice engineering.It is necessary to develop the new technologies for the fixed site monitoring ice thickness according to the multi-applied motive.This objective has now been achieved with the development of three new technologies.Based on the principle of these new technologies and their applications in field or in the laboratory,their applicability and advantage are discussed.The precision of the apparatus based on the magnetostrictive delay line technique reaches to ±2mm,which solves the crucial problem imvlved in developing and modifying the ice mass equilibrium rmdel.The technology based on resistance is more effective than the method based on temperature profile measurement for ice thickness detecting;and it has the potential for measuring mass equilibrium on the surface of ice glacier and monitoring water level under river ice,lake ice and resemvir ice associated with ice thickness.It is expedient and cost-efficient for the manufacture,and disposed in field of the hot-wire ice thickness gauge,thus it can be popularized in the small hydrological observation stations in the north of China.


