Advances in assessment indicators of irrigation water use efficiency
摘要: 回顾了灌溉水利用效率评价指标的发展历史,分析了现有灌溉水利用效率评价指标的不足,总结了其适用条件。结果表明,目前还没有一套在任何条件均适用的灌溉水利用效率评价的量化指标,原因在于:一是不同灌溉水利用效率指标术语内涵不明确,导致在不同条件下很多指标被混用;二是部分指标即使理论框架比较清晰,但在实际运用时,许多计算要素难以确定或是无法确定,不利于在灌区水管理中推广。指出对现有灌溉水利用效率指标进行科学的界定和评价,规范不同指标的使用范围,研究它们之间的相互关联规律、影响因素,探讨节水潜力评价方法的重要性。Abstract: The definitions and their utlization about the assessment indicators of the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) are reviewed. The disadvantages and their use conditions of the existing IWUE are analyzed. We conclude that no indicators can be used to quantify IWUE in any conditions. Firstly, the connotations of different nomenclature of IWUE are ambiguity, which results in the use interchangeably of various terms regardless of the precise implications of their recommendations. Secondly, some new concepts of assessment framework and indicators are right, but it is difficult to determine the components in the framework, and thus not suitable for the utilization in water management in an irrigation system. Finally, we point out the essentiality of giving the precise implications of the existing IWUEs and their specific use conditions, investigate their relationships and affecting factors, and propose the methodology of evaluating the water saving potiential.