
Distributed simulation of hydrological response to water and soil conservation measures

  • 摘要: 以半分布式地形指数模型为基础,提出了水土保持措施地形指数的概念,对TOPMODEL进行了改进。利用植被指数NDVI进行了植被截留的时空差异分析。利用1992~1995年和1997年的逐日流量资料,对修河流域清江站以上水土流失较为严重的地区进行了梯田、经济果林、种草及水土保持林4种水土保持措施的水文效应模拟,该模型取得了较好的模拟效果。


    Abstract: The original Topmodel is modified properly and the soil and water conservation topography index conception is given to simulate the hydrological response to water and soil conservation measures. At the same time, the vegetation index is used to take into account the difference of the vegetation canopy interception. The modified model is calibrated with five years daily rainfall and runoff records (1992~1997). The daily runoff data is used to simulate the five situations, that is, the original state, the states with the terrace measure, the grass measure, the fruit forestry measure and the water and soil conservation forest measure in the upstream of Qingjiang station in Xiuhe basin, the modified model gives a sound result.


