
Water resources allocation model based on the dual-control of water quantity and quality

  • 摘要: 随着流域水资源分配实践的不断深化,水资源分配的概念、内涵、原理和方法逐步丰富完善。针对中国南方丰水典型地区——东江流域出现的发展性缺水、季节性缺水和水质性缺水并存的问题,以枯水期为重点,以取水量和污染物排放量为对象,提出了一种基于水量水质双控制的流域水资源分配模型框架,并研究探讨了其相应原则、指标和方法,旨在为南方丰水地区水资源科学管理和合理调配提供理论和借鉴作用。


    Abstract: The practice of water resources allocation constantly advances in these days. Accordingly,the concept,connotation,principles and methods of the water resources allocation are gradually enriched. All these facilitate the solution to the coexisting problems of the seasonal,development-induced and quality-induced water shortage in wet areas of Dongjiang Baisn1 Hence,Focused upon the quantity of water intake and pollutant discharge in low-flow period,this paper makes the first attempt to propose a water resources allocation model based on the dual-control of water quantity and quality which may serve as the theoretical and practical reference to the scientific management and the allocation of water resources in water-rich areas in South China. The investigations of the relevant principles,indexes and methods are also involved in the study of the model.


