
Evaluation on efficient utilization of generalized water resources

  • 摘要: 广义水资源高效利用核算是从更广泛的视角进行区域/流域尺度的水资源核算,以水资源循环模拟揭示区间、行业、部门间的水利联系为基础,在核算水源上为广义水资源;在核算对象上为区域自然生态系统和人工系统;在核算指标上包括行业、部门和区域的广义水资源利用效率和效益。界定了不同用户蒸发蒸腾消耗水分的高效和低效部分,提出了包括人工系统和天然生态系统的不同用户、不同部门和区域整体的广义水资源利用核算指标体系。以宁夏平原区为例,进行了现状区域广义水资源利用效用核算研究。


    Abstract: The evaluation of the efficient utilization of the generalized water resources is to assess the water resources at regional/basin scale. The evaluation based on the simulation of water resources cycle reveals the hydraulic relationship among the regions,industries and sectors,whose water resources are generalized water resources,the evaluation objects are the natural ecosystem and artificial ecosystem,and the evaluation indexes include efficiency and benefit of the generalized water resources in different industries,sectors and regions. The paper divides water consumers into the high efficiency parts and low efficiency ones according to the different evapotranspiration,puts forward the generalized water resources evaluation index which includes the different users,sectors and regions of natural and artificial ecosystem,and takes Ningxia plain as the case study to evaluate the current efficient utilization of the generalized water resources in Ningxia plain.


