
Decision-making on reservoir flood control level and its control manner in post-flooding seasons for Biliuhe Reservoir

  • 摘要: 水库汛期分期后上下游防洪标准的确定是水库分期运用的难点,针对北方地区后汛期来水特点,提出从防洪、兴利与两者权衡3个角度通过优化推求汛限水位备选方案,并协调方案中各指标间的复杂关系,建立汛限水位多方案分层模糊优化决策模型。经应用于碧流河水库表明,该方法在不改变水库原防洪标准的前提下,抬高水库后汛期汛限水位。研究结果为决策提供了技术支持,对北方缺水地区的其它水库有指导意义。


    Abstract: Due to the characteristics of flood in regions in North China, it is difficult to determine the flood prevention standard after dividing the whole flood season into sub-seasons. This study develops alternatives for the reservoir's limited water level in post-flood seasons through optimization based on the three angles:the flood prevention, flood utilization and the balance between them. A multilayer fuzzy optimal selection model is established by coordinating the complex relationship among the multi-objectives. The proposed method is applied to Biliuhe reservoir and raises the limited water level in post-flood seasons without decreasing the flood prevention standard. The results show that it can provide technical support for the decision-making and be applied to those reservoirs in the water shortage regions in North China.


