
Review of urban storm water simulation techniques

  • 摘要: 从对水文过程描述的角度对城市雨洪模拟技术进行了回顾,认为管网汇流阶段算法较为成熟,而产流和坡面汇流阶段还有待深入研究.从模型构建思想的角度回顾其发展历程,阐明了经验性模型和分布式概念性模型的局限性以及分布式物理模型的良好发展前景.通过总结国内外几个具代表性城市雨洪模型的特点,从特定模型的角度进一步分析城市雨洪模型的现状,并指出中国与国外模型研究的差距.对与城市雨洪模拟精度密切相关的基础数据收集与管理技术进行了讨论,并提出了城市雨洪模拟技术的发展方向.


    Abstract: Urban storm water simulation techniques are reviewed in the context of hydrological processing.In spite of the fact that the established techniques for pipe-network flow concentration have been made available,substantial improvements in the areas of runoff generation and overland flow concentration are clearly desirable.Viewing from the perspective of modeling approaches,the development has undergone from empiricism,conceptualization,to the newly emerged theorization.Both lumped and distributed techniques have been used for model developments and applications.Advantages and disadvantages of these modeling approaches are discussed by summing up the characteristics of representative models for urban storm water simulations; and the gaps in the modeling techniques between China and the world are pointed out.The review also involves discussions of data collection and management,which is important to the improvement of model performances.Finally,the main future challenges in urban storm water simulation are highlighted.


