Phase modulation of short wind waves by long waves
摘要: 为研究长波对短波尤其是风浪高频成分的调制,在实验室风浪水槽中产生混合浪,分析风浪受规则长波的调制。采用本征模态方法分解出不同尺度的风浪模态,计算各模态位移平方关于长波位相的平均。结果表明,风浪主要波、小尺度波和介于二者之间的中等尺度波,其能量沿长波位相的分布具有不同特征:风浪主要波的能量随长波波陡增加而减少,其分布与长波同相且关于长波波谷对称;中等尺度波的能量则随长波波陡增加而增加,在长波波峰迎风面略高于背风面;小尺度风浪的能量随着风速和长波波陡的增加而增加,随着风区长度的增加而减少,在长波波峰迎风面明显高于背风面。Abstract: Laboratory Experiments were conducted in a water-wave tank to explore the phase modulation of short wind waves in particular in their high-frequency spectrum by monochromatic,mechanically generated long waves (LW).Using the intrinsic mode decomposition (IMD) method,the observed surfacee levation tmie series is decomposed into a set of intrinsic mode functions (MIFs) that can be related to short wind waves with different oscillation scales,and the squared amplitudes of MIFs are phase averaged along the profile of LWR esults show that the energy distributions of short wind waves with different oscillation scales present different characteristics.The dominant wind wave energy decreases with the increase in the LW steepness,which is distributed in-phase with the LW and symmetric with respect to the LW trough.In contrast,the mesoscale wind wave energy increases with the increase in the LW steepness.The energy of the upwind quadrant of the LW is slightly higher than that of the downwind one.Finally,the energy of high frequency wind waves also increases with the increase in the LW steepness,but decreases with the increase in the fetch length.The energy of the upwind quadrant of the LW is significantly higher than that of the down wind one.