An applicability study of potential evapotranspiration models in Guizhou province
摘要: 利用贵州省18个气象站1961~2001年逐日气象资料,采用Penman-Monteith方程计算潜在蒸散发量,对以辐射和气温为基础的简化公式参数进行率定,对比分析不同计算公式推求的潜在蒸散发量之间的差异以及用于气候变化情景下预测适用程度。结果表明,各种潜在蒸散发量公式经参数率定后计算的多年平均蒸散发量相近,但变化趋势存在较大差异。与考虑综合气象因子对潜在蒸散发影响的Penman-Monteith公式计算结果相比,以辐射为基础的蒸散发公式在该地区的适用性较好,以气温为基础的蒸散发公式用于气候变化情景下潜在蒸散发量预测,结果偏大。Abstract: The Penman-Monteith equation is used to estinate potential evapotranspiration in Guizhou province based on the daily meteorobgical observations from 18 stations during the period 1961-2001.The estimation of potential evapotranspiration is alms achieved by adopting simple model approaches, such as the radiation-based and the temperatore-based models.The Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration is comparedwith these simple model estimates.Results show that allmodels are able to well estimate the long-tern annualmean potential evapotranspiration with relafive errors less than 0.05%.However, large variations are found among simulated annual mean potential evapotranspiration series.The radiation-based models perforn better than the temperature-based ones in comparison with the Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration, which suggests that the radiation-basedmodels are more applicable for future climate change studies in Guizhou province.