
Diurnal variations of atmospheric water vapor in Lhasa river valley

  • 摘要: 基于近10年(1999~2008年)地基GPS遥感的大气可降水量(GPS-PW)资料和地面气象资料,分析了拉萨河谷各季GPS-PW日变化特征及其对夏季降水日变化特征的影响。结果表明,在拉萨河谷各季GPS-PW都具有明显的日变化特征。春、夏、秋和冬季GPS-PW平均日变化幅度分别为1.0mm、1.7mm、1.0mm和0.8mm。GPS-PW日最小值和最大值出现的时间随季节变化不大,分别出现在08:00~10:00UTC和15:00~18:00UTC。各季GPS-PW日变化序列的谐波分析结果表明,日循环(24h)与半日循环(12h)是GPS-PW日变化的主要信号。日循环信号夏季最强,冬季最弱;半日循环信号夏季最强,春季最弱。在夏季GPS-PW达到日最大值的时间比平均逐时降水频次和降水量达到日最大值的时间约早2h。GPS-PW日变化对夏季降水日变化特征具有重要影响。


    Abstract: A 10-year(1999-2008) half-hour dataset of precipitable water(PTV)vapor amountwas produced from ground-based gbbalpositioning system(GPS) measurements in the Lhasa river valley of the Tibetan Plateau.The diurnal variation of GPS-PW is investigated using the dataset aswell as hourly observations from automatic weather stadons in the valley.The result reveals a pronounced diurnal variation in GPS-PW,reaching the mininum around 08:00-10:00 UTC and the maxinum around 15:00-18:00 UTC during all seams.The average diurnal variations of GPS-PW are 1.0 mm,1.7 mm,1.0 mm and 0.8 mm in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively.The diurnal(24 h) and semidiumal(12 h) cycles of the GPS-PW were fitted using the harmonic analysis method.The resups indicate that diurnal and semidiumal cycles are the main signal of diurnal variation of GPS-PW during all seatens.The diurnal cycle of GPS-PW is the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter.The semidiumal cycle of GPS-PW is the strongest in summer and the weakest in spring.The relationship between diurnal variations of GPS-PW and that of rain fallwas conducted in summer.It can be seen that the occurrences of the diurnal variations of GPS-PW are nearly 2 h earlier than those of mean hourly p recip nation and p recip nation frequency in summer.The diurnal variations of GPS-PW have an important impacton the diurnal variations of hourly rainfall in summer.


