Stable isotope compositions of hydrogen (δ
2H) and oxygen (δ
18O) for snow and rain were determined for a total of 443 GNIP (Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation) samples collected from the Yangtze River basin.A correlation equation (δ
18O+17.114) is obtained through linear regression between δ
2H and δ
18O values of snow samples.The maxmial slope and intercept values are shown in the snow equation.In contrast, correlation equations between δ
2H and δ
18O values for rain samples of four categories ranging from less than 10 mm to greater than 300 mm can result in prog ressively lower slope and intercept values with decreasing precipitation amount.The slope and intercept values in the four rain equations vary from 5.705 to 7.701 and -5.479‰ to 7.812‰, respectively.Analysis of the slope and intercept values of δ
18O correlation equations with amtospheric parameters such as temperature and water vapor pressure suggests that only the light rainfall events undergo secondary evaporation accompanied by isotope fractionation during raindrops descent from the cloud base to the ground.Since the light rainfall events can account for only 6.32% of the all precipitation events in the Yangtze River Basin Thus, the effect of below-cloud secondary evaporation on the stable isotopes in precipitation can only result in a slight decrease of slope and intercept values of the local meteoric water line.The study shows that the isotope analysis of individual precipitation samples can yields valuable information that cannot be obtained by the long-term weighted average samples.