Method for calculating seepage losses from earth-lined irrigation channels based on point cumulative infiltration
摘要: 基于非饱和土质渠床有压单点入渗试验,对自由渗漏情况下土壤有压入渗入渗率随时间的变化过程进行了系统性的分析,建立了渠床土壤有压点入渗经验模型,研究了土壤入渗模型参数与水深之间的函数关系。基于点入渗参数与水深之间的函数关系,提出了沿断面积分计算渠道输水渗漏量的模型。该计算模型通过入渗模型参数全面反映了渠道土质、干容重、含水量和水深对渗漏量的影响。计算实例表明:与考斯加科夫公式计算结果相比较,该计算结果可更真实地反映渠道渗漏量随时间的变化过程,并具有更高的精度,证明利用点入渗参数计算渠道输水渗漏量是可行的。Abstract: Based upon the point experinents on pressure infiltration processes in an unsaturated earth-liled channel an empiricahnodel for calculating seepage losses from earth-liled irrigation channels is developed.The parameters of model are empirically correlated with thewater depth in the channel.The seepage bss is estin ated through integrating the cunulative infiltration along the channelwetted perineter.Themodel is validatedwith the experinentaldata.The result shows that themodelcan has abetterperfomanceon seepage loss estination than dlatofusing the Kostiakov infiltration modlel that is also anpirically based.The sinulated seepage bss process using themodel agrees well with the observation, which demonstrafes the feasility ofusilg the point cumulative ilfiltration approach to calculate seepage losses from earth-lined irrigation channels.