
Model for defining environmental flow thresholds of spring flood period using abrupt habitat change analysis

  • 摘要: 根据春汛期水生态系统的特点,应用河道内流量增量法,选用二维河流模型River2D,建立栖息地与流量变化的动态关系,进而应用Mann-Kendall方法,开发基于栖息地突变分析的生态需水阈值模型。以第二松花江支流辉发河五道沟断面附近河段为例,选择松花江流域分布较为广泛的鲤鱼作为对象物种,以流速和水深两个因素表征鱼类栖息地,利用1956~2000年45年的春汛期月径流资料,判定鱼类栖息地在1970年开始发生了突变。在突变前加权可用面积95%的置信区间范围为275.5~915.7m2/km,对应的流量范围为58.8~121.1m3/s,并将其作为研究区春汛期间的生态需水阈值。春汛发生在冰封期刚刚结束的时段,适宜的春汛期生态需水能够提高生态系统多样性,对于鱼类等水生生物乃至于整个生态系统都有重要的生态意义。


    Abstract: A model for defining environmental flow thresholds is developed using the abrupt habitat change analysis approach.The model takes into account the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems during spring flood periods,and uses the instream flow incremental methodology combined with the River2D model for fish habitat and the Mann-Kendall Method to establish the dynamic relation between the habitat and runoff.The model is tested on the data from the Wudaogou station located at the downstream of Huifa River.The data includes the streamflow velocities and water levels representing the habitat of the carp fish,as well as the monthly runoff of spring flood period from 1956 to 2000. The result of the Mann-Kendall analysis shows that the habitat of carp has undergone an abrupt change beginning in 1970.Prior to the abrupt change,the 95% confidence interval on the weighted usable area ranges from 275.5 to 915.7 m2/km,and the corresponding streamflow discharges taken as the environmental flow thresholds are from 58.8 to 121.1 m3/s.Spring flooding occurs after the icebound season,and the appropriate environmental flow of spring flood period is very important for the aquatic organisms and the entire ecosystem.


