
Practice and cognition for emergency disposal of landslide lake

  • 摘要: 堰塞湖是由于山体滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等堵塞河道形成的没有经过专门设计、没有专门的泄水设施的湖泊,一旦溃决,容易给下游造成巨大的灾难。分析了堰塞湖的成因、溃决机理与风险判断,提出堰塞湖应急处置的原则、理念、阶段与处置方法,总结了堰塞湖应急处置中的一些经验和认识。以四川省汶川特大地震形成的堰塞湖应急处置为例,从可能溃决方式、溃坝洪水、应急除险总体方案、开渠引流方案和除险效果等方面,介绍了唐家山堰塞湖的应急处置实践,并简要介绍了其它一些堰塞湖应急处置。


    Abstract: A landslide lake is formed by watercourse blocking.It is a lake without any specialized designs as well as specific flood discharge facilities.If the dam was to burst,massive hazards would be posed.The experiences and cognition for emergency disposal of landslide lake are summarized.The formation cause,burst mechanism and landslide lake risk evaluation are analyzed.The disposal principle,concept,stage and approaches to addressing the issues are then brought forward.Taking the emergency disposal of landslide lakes due to the Wenchuan earthquake as an example,the disposal practice for the Tangjiashan landslide lake is introduced,including the dam burst mode,dam outburst flood,overall program for emergency risk mitigation,diversion channel scheme and risk elimination.Finally, other practices for emergency disposal of landslide lake are briefly introduced,which could give references on the subject.


