Discussion on the mechanism of river meandering
摘要: 基于能量守恒原理,通过实体模型试验的方法,对河流发生弯曲的机理进行了探讨。研究认为,河流具有弯曲的自然属性,其弯曲程度主要取决于水流能量的大小,与流量、比降有很大关系;河流发生弯曲是水流为补偿能量损失得以保持运动而形成的一种自然造床过程,河流在运动过程中,通过弯曲形成上游壅水,增加势能,使下游比降相对增大,动能得以增加,从而保持河段内的水沙输移达到相对平衡,此即"动能自补偿"的弯曲机理;河流弯曲程度与需要补偿的动能多少有关,河段上下断面的动能差越大,河段弯曲系数就越大。"动能自补偿"的机理得到了实验室观测结果的验证和野外原型定位观测资料的佐证。Abstract: The mechanism of river meandering is investigated experimentally based upon the principle of energy conservation.Our study reveals that meandering is a natural property of rivers.The curvatures of a river bend are largely controlled by the energy of river flow,i.e.,the flow rate and the channel slope.River meandering is a natural fluvial process to compensate the energy loss so that the river could keep itself moving forwards.The meandering channel process can result in a rise in the upstream water level,consequently increasing the potential energy in the channel reach and leading to a rising in the downstream channel slope as well as the kinetic energy increases.The latter,in turn,results in a relative equilibrium state between the flow and the sediment transport in the channel reach.The mechanism of river meandering may thus be rephrased as a river automatic regulating process.The degree of curvature in a channel reach is subject to the gained kinetic energy,i.e.,the difference in kinetic energy between upper-and downstream cross-sections determines the degree of river meandering.The automatic kinetic energy compensation in river reaches could be used as the mechanism to explaining river meandering.Such a mechanism is justified by the in-door experiments and field observation.