
Water temperature of the Fengman reservoir with seasonal ice cover

  • 摘要: 为探究寒区冰封水库热状况的时空演变规律,于2010年6月~2011年8月对丰满水库的水温和冰情进行了原型观测。基于现场观测资料,阐述了丰满库区不同季节热结构的变化规律,重点分析了汛期洪水过程对分层结构的影响,并发现解冻初期水库表层浮力流动现象。同时,典型水温分层期1月和6月的坝前75~800m范围4条水温观测垂线基本一致,且同期电站下泄水温与坝前取水口对应高程平均水温差异较小,说明该水域范围内无三维水温效应。由于深层取水影响,丰满电站下泄水温过程较为稳定,但与坝址天然水温相比,5~7月、10~12月分别表现出月平均高达10.8℃、7.9℃的春夏低温水和秋冬高温水现象。此外,冰情监测结果表明,丰满水库冬季基本全库封冻,坝前最大冰厚约0.7m,且库区冰厚沿程出现不均匀分布的规律。


    Abstract: To understand the temporal and spatial variation of heat conditions in a large reservoir of a cold region, a prototype observation in the Fengman reservoir was performed to investigate the water temperature and ice conditions from June 2010 to August 2011. Based on the data, the annual heat structural variation of the water temperature in the reservoir was elaborated, the effect of the flood process on the layered water temperature structure was analyzed, and the buoyancy flow on the surface layer in the early period of the thawing season was observed. The vertical water temperature structures, 75 ~800 m in front of the Fengman dam, are almost the same in June and July, and the slight difference between the discharge temperature and the average water temperature in the water intake elevation indicates that the three-dimensional effect in front of the dam is non-existent. Influenced by the deep water intake, the temperature of the discharge is stable, while in contrast with the natural water temperature, the mean discharge temperature can be 10.8℃ lower from May to July and 7.9℃ higher from October to December. In addition, the ice condition observation results indicate that the Fengman reservoir is ice covered during the entire winter and that the maximum value of ice thickness reaches 0.7 m; meanwhile, the distribution of the ice thickness is uneven during the icebound season.


