
Variation tendency of runoff and sediment load in China major rivers and its causes

  • 摘要: 通过选定中国主要河流的代表水文站,分析了中国主要河流代表站总径流量和总输沙量的变化趋势。结果表明,全国主要河流代表站总径流量随时间没有明显的趋势性增加或减小,多年平均径流量为14090亿m3;年总输沙量在1960年前变化不大,1960年后逐渐减小,从20世纪50年代的26.43亿t减小至2001~2008年间的5.95亿t;平均含沙量则从50年代的1.74kg/m3减至2001~2008年间的0.46kg/m3。中国南方主要河流和主要内陆河流的代表站径流量没有明显的增加或减少趋势,北方河流代表站径流量除淮河、松花江外,具有明显的减少趋势;中国各主要河流代表站年输沙量除塔里木河外,都有不同程度的减少,其中北方河流的减小幅度较大。影响中国主要河流水沙变化的主要因素分为自然和人类活动因素,其中自然因素包括流域降雨量变化和流域下垫面条件;人类活动因素包括水土保持措施、水库工程、流域调水调沙及引水引沙、河道采砂等。


    Abstract: The variation tendency of runoff and sediment load in China major rivers is studied based on the representative hydrological stations of the rivers.The results show that there is no significant change in the mean annual runoff (1.409×1012 m3/a)of those stations;and little change is detected in the annual sediment load before 1960.However,the sediment load decreases gradually from 26.43×108 t/a in the 1950s to 5.95×108 t/a in the 2000s after 1960;and the corresponding change in the average sediment concentration is from 1.74 kg/m3 to 0.46kg/m3.Regionally,the annual runoff of major southern and inner rivers in China remains almost unchanged,a significant reduction in annual runoff is however detected in many representative hydrological stations of northern rivers except for the Huaihe and Songhua rivers.Varying degrees of reduction is found in the sediment load of China major rivers except for the Tarim River,and the greater reduction occurs in northern rivers.Human activities and natural factors are mainly responsible for the detected variations in runoff and sediment load,of which natural factors include changes in precipitation amounts and land covers over the river basins,and human activities factors refer to those measures in soil and water conservation,reservoir engineering,inter-basin water transfer projects,water diversion,sand excavation,and soon.


