
Hydrology, hydrodynamics, and water quality model for impounded rivers:I:Theory

  • 摘要: 针对流域级闸控大型河网水环境日常管理的应用需求与实际特点,将资料适应性强的水文学方法与数据要求相对严苛的水动力-水质数值模型相融合,构建了一维与二维嵌套、分块组合的闸控大型河网水文-水动力-水质耦合数学模型DHQM(Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, and Water Quality Model for Impounded Rivers)。模型由河道径流模拟、闸坝调度过程模拟、河道水质模拟、区间入流及入河污染负荷估算和水质预警实时校正等5个模块组成。模型可服务于水环境实时预警和调度,也可为闸坝水文环境效应的量化提供基础工具。


    Abstract: In order to satisfy the requirements of water environment daily management on large-scale impounded river network, the Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, and Water Quality Model (DHQM) is designed based on the cross-integration of multiple methods. DHQM adopts a modular structure as well as one- and two-dimensional nesting frameworks. DHQM includes 5 parts: River runoff simulation, sluice scheduling simulation, river water quality simulation, local inflow and river pollution load estimation, and water quality real-time correction. DHQM demonstrates a fair data robustness and flexibility in application, which boosts its applicability for the real-time early warning and regulation of water environments as well as for quantifying the hydrological and environmental effects of dams and sluices.


