
Studies on hydrologic drought warning in China

  • 摘要: 干旱预警是抗旱工作的首要环节和重要的非工程措施,但由于相关技术方法研究比较薄弱,在实际工作中往往缺乏针对性和可操作性,其作用难以得到充分发挥。为满足抗旱工作的需要,从中国抗旱工作实际出发,在阐述抗旱工作中干旱概念及成因的基础上,分析了中国干旱预警现状及存在问题,集成构建了干旱预警水文指标体系,提出了水文干旱预警水位(流量)的新概念及确定办法,填补了江河湖库干旱预警空白,并在抗旱工作中进行了实践应用,为干旱预警开辟了水文方法新途径。


    Abstract: Drought warning is the major step and non-structural measure for disaster relief. However, it has not been worked with strong pertinence or practicality, due to the insufficiency of methodology studies. As a result, the role of drought warning has been fully exploited. In order to improve drought relief in China and taking the local situation into full consideration, the current situation and problem are reviewed based on explanation of concept of drought and reason of its formation. With completion of first hydrologic index system for drought warning in China and introduction of a new definition-waning level (flow) of hydrologic drought as well as methodologies for warning level determination, it creates a new methodology with hydrologic approach that fulfills the gap in drought warning related to river, lake or reservoir.


