
Rainfall-runoff paradox from a natural experimental catchment

  • 摘要: 作为滁州水文实验系统一部分的1号天然实验流域,面积7897m2,以安山岩为基底,上覆平均厚度2.46m的第四系沉积物。实测了包括地面径流和地面下径流的各种降雨径流响应,后者包括来自非饱和带的壤中流和饱和带的地下水径流。表明这些径流成分有着复杂的组合类型,主要是以地面径流为主的SR型和以地面下径流为主的SSR型,以及中间的和演化的类型。SR型实例中的地面径流量可占总径流的65%,而SSR实例中的地面下径流量可有90%。主要降水的7月,地面下贡献占54.5%,其中地下水径流即占33%。大部分地面径流与降水的18O组成有不小的差异,比较了同时进行测验的3个实验流域,在1400min的降水径流过程中,降水的平均δ18O为-1.210%,而同期地面径流的平均δ18O,2号水文山流域(512m2)为-1.132%,1号南大洼天然流域为-1.065%,3号只有薄层风化碎屑的牵牛花流域(4573m2)为-0.801%。这质疑了现行同位素流量过程线划分方法8个假定中的两个:地面径流的同位素组成不同于降水,天然流域尤其如此;各种水源在汇集过程中的同位素分馏影响并非都可忽略不计。实验流域因降水而产生径流,但所产生的径流却有着非本次降水的组分,这一降水径流悖论发生于各个实验流域。SR型和SSR型总的非本次降水组分分别达16%和64%。


    Abstract: As a part of the Chuzhou hydrological experimental system,the No.1 experimental catchment,Nandadish,with drainage area of 7 897 m2 sits on the andesite bedrock with Quaternary deposit of 2.46 m in average.Various runoff components,surface runoff and subsurface runoff including interflow from unsaturated zone,groundwater flow from saturated zone are physically measured using special designed troughs.Several combined types of runoff components are identified as the SR type with surface runoff dominated,SSR type with subsurface runoff dominated and other intermediate types.Examples show that surface runoff accounts for 65% of total runoff for SR type,while the subsurface runoff accounts for 90% in SSR type.In July,the main rainy season,in total,the subsurface runoff contributes an amount of 54.5% of total runoff while groundwater flow accounts for 33.0%.Most 18O data of surface runoff is quite different from that of precipitation.Within the rainfall-runoff process with duration of about 1 400 minutes,averaged 18O of precipitation is -1.210%,while that of surface runoff is -1.132% for Hydrohill catchment (512 m2),-1.065% for Nandadish catchment and -0.801% for Morningflower(4573 m2)which is a catchment with thin layer of rock debris on bedrock.It challenges the assumptions involved in current isotopic hydrograph separation,i.e.,the 18O of surface runoff will not always equal to that of event precipitation and,the evaporation fractionation during the pathway of runoff components could not always be ignored.Event rainfall produces runoff but such runoff contains an amount of water not from the event rainfall,such a paradox exists in all of our experimental catchments.The total old water involved in event runoff accounts for 16% for the SR type while 64% for SSR type.


