刘窑军, 王天巍, 蔡崇法, 李朝霞. 植被措施与路面汇水对三峡库区土质道路边坡侵蚀影响[J]. 水科学进展, 2014, 25(1): 98-105.
引用本文: 刘窑军, 王天巍, 蔡崇法, 李朝霞. 植被措施与路面汇水对三峡库区土质道路边坡侵蚀影响[J]. 水科学进展, 2014, 25(1): 98-105.
LIU Yaojun, WANG Tianwei, CAI Chongfa, LI Zhaoxia. Impacts of vegetation and pavement runoff concentration on rural roadside slope erosions in Three Gorge Reservoir area[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2014, 25(1): 98-105.
Citation: LIU Yaojun, WANG Tianwei, CAI Chongfa, LI Zhaoxia. Impacts of vegetation and pavement runoff concentration on rural roadside slope erosions in Three Gorge Reservoir area[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2014, 25(1): 98-105.


Impacts of vegetation and pavement runoff concentration on rural roadside slope erosions in Three Gorge Reservoir area

  • 摘要: 研究土质道路边坡在自然恢复、草本、草灌结合及植生带等4种不同植被恢复模式下的降雨侵蚀特征,同时将模拟降雨试验和冲刷试验相结合,研究路面汇水的介入对路堤边坡侵蚀的影响。研究结果表明,在模拟降雨试验下,草灌结合控制路堑边坡侵蚀效果最佳,产流量和产沙量显著低于其他植被模式;草本和草灌结合在路堤边坡降雨和冲刷下,都有显著的截流拦沙能力,且两种措施防护效果相当;路面来水的介入对路堤边坡侵蚀有显著促进作用,加速产流,增加产流量和产沙量。山区道路侵蚀的治理,不但要因地制宜地选择适宜的防护措施,更应该对路面产流和路面汇流进行科学合理的规划,减少其对路面及路堤的冲刷侵蚀。


    Abstract: The development of road networks is beneficial to promoting mountainous region’s economy; however, it can cause a series of environmental issues, such as the serious soil erosion on roadside slopes. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of four vegetation restoration schemes in controlling the roadside slope erosion under simulated rainfall events. The schemes are natural restoration (NR), grass (GR), grass and shrub (GS) and sodded strip (SS). At the same time, rainfall simulation and scour test are conducted to quantify the contribution of pavement flow to fill slope runoff along roads and sediment production. Results show that the GS scheme has a higher capability to reducing rainfall runoff and sediment trapping compared to other three means. On the fill slope, both GS and GR schemes significantly outperform other twos in reducing rainfall erosion and pavement flow scouring. The pavement flow concentration has a remarkable effect on the acceleration of fill slope erosion, just as accelerated the runoff generation, the corresponding rainfall runoff and sediment yield are increased. For a best management of mountainous road erosions, apart from choosing a suitable preventive measure, more efforts should be focused on the road rational planning and design to better control runoff generation and concentration.


