
Snowmelt runoff simulation driven by APHRODITE precipitation dataset

  • 摘要: 针对流域内气象观测站点稀少和融雪径流过程的特点,利用APHRODITE降水数据进行插值,应用日有效活动温度改进度日数;依据季节性冻土受有效活动积温影响的特点,建立有效活动积温与径流系数的关系,提高模型中融雪速率和径流系数的计算精度。结合气象、水文资料和MODIS遥感积雪产品,应用改进的融雪径流模型(SRM)对开都河流域2000年与2006年融雪期的径流进行了率定和验证模拟。改进模型在率定期和验证期的模拟结果远远优于用日平均温度作为度日数的结果。结果表明,用APHRODITE降水数据及改进的度日数和径流系数作为SRM模型参数输入,能够较好模拟开都河流域融雪径流过程,大大提高模型模拟精度。


    Abstract: A snowmelt runoff model (SRM) was modified and applied to simulate the snowmelt runoff process in the Kaidu River basin in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China. The modified model was driven by the precipitation product of the Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation (APHRODITE) of the Water Resources project. The daily effective active temperature was used in the model as the degree-days to replace the daily mean temperature for estimating the snowmelt rate. In order to reflect the effect of seasonal frozen soil on runoff, the accumulated active temperature was proposed to represent the state of seasonal frozen soil, and the runoff coefficient was modified using the accumulated active temperature. Using the meteorological and hydrological data observed from the Kaidu River basin, along with snow products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the modified SRM was employed to simulate the runoff in the Kaidu River basin during snowmelt seasons. SRM was calibrated and validated using 2000 and 2006 data, respectively. Based on the coefficient of determination and the difference between simulated and observed runoff, calibrated and validated results simulated by the modified SRM using the daily effective active temperature as the degree-days were much better than that using the daily average temperature as the degree-days. The result shows that the interpolated APHRODITE precipitation data, the modified degree-days and runoff coefficient, expressed with the effective accumulated temperature as the SRM model inputs, can reflect the snowmelt runoff process in the Kaidu River Basin and greatly improve the snowmelt runoff simulation accuracy.


