
Soil properties and erosion mechanisms of composite riverbanks in Lower Jingjiang Reach

  • 摘要: 三峡水库蓄水后下荆江河段河床冲刷下切, 局部河段崩岸险情频繁发生。为研究下荆江二元结构河岸的土体特性及崩岸机理,结合近期该河段崩岸情况,现场查勘了6个崩岸点,并对河岸土体进行了室内土工试验。试验结果表明下荆江河岸土体的垂向组成具有典型的二元结构特征:下部非粘性土(沙土)层较厚,上部粘性土(低液限粘土)层较薄且松散。以河岸崩塌过程分析为基础,提出了二元结构河岸发生绕轴崩塌时上部土层稳定性的计算方法。结合近岸水动力条件计算及土工试验结果,定量分析了二元结构河岸的崩塌机理及其影响因素:① 下部沙土层的起动流速比近岸流速小得多,故该土层容易受水流冲刷;②上部粘性土层崩塌前抗冲强度很大,但多为低液限粘土且相对松散,崩塌后堆积在岸边容易分解并被水流带走;③ 河岸稳定安全系数在一个水文年内呈周期性变化,落水期安全系数最小,故容易引发崩岸,该计算结果与近期崩岸实际统计结果一致。


    Abstract: The Lower Jingjiang Reach (LJR) is experiencing problems with continuous channel degradations, and local riverbank erosion occurs frequently. In order to investigate quantitatively the soil properties and erosion mechanisms of composite riverbanks, a field survey is conducted at 6 sections of riverbank collapses along the LJR. An indoor soil experiment is also performed, and both physical and mechanical properties of soil samples are analyzed. The analysis reveals that the vertical profile of soil compositions in the LJR can be characterized as being a typical composite structure. The lower layer is thicker with non-cohesive soils, and the upper is thinner and loose with cohesive soils. A new method for calculating the safety parameter of overhanging block in a composite riverbank is then proposed. The method uses the principle of cantilever stability with the bank stability degree being closely related to the unit weight of the overhanging block and the corresponding tensile strength. Based on the calculated near-bank hydrodynamic conditions and the experimental results from the indoor soil tests, bank stability degrees and influencing factors of a typical composite riverbank in the LJR are investigated quantitatively. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study. The incipient velocity for the non-cohesive lower layer is obviously less than the mean bank-toe velocity, which easily lead to the occurrence of severe fluvial erosions. The cohesive upper layer before failure has sufficient strength to resist from direct fluvial scour. However, the failed soil blocks deposited in the near-bank zone would be broken down and transported downstream by the near-bank fluvial entrainment due to the soil properties of loose structure and low liquid-limit clay. The safety parameter measuring the degree of the bank stability at each stage during a hydrological year varies periodically and is calculated. The lowest value at the flood recession stage is obtained, which is consistent to the recent statistics from the field surveys on bank erosions.


