
Hydrodynamic characteristics of staggering peak flows at the confluence section of Yiluo River

  • 摘要: 采用平面二维水动力数值模拟方法,对伊洛河交汇区河段的错峰洪水特性进行了系统分析,讨论了洪水水位、流态及两支流的相互影响,结果表明:数值模拟成果与实测数据有很好的一致性。研究发现:交汇区流场呈现马鞍形水面形态,并随流量增大向下游推进;错峰洪水过程中强势支流产生的漫滩水流对弱势支流形成壅堵,交汇区水动力要素与流态均与强、弱支流流量比有明显的关联性,交汇点下游的螺旋流结构与转向受当时强势支流控制;错峰洪水使交汇区水位随时间变化呈现三段式二次曲线特征,在两洪峰期间交汇区保持高水位的时间比单峰或同峰长5~7倍;错峰洪水使交汇区洪水位与流量形成特殊的Y型曲线关系,在两个洪峰点附近,水位与汇流比的对应关系出现前、后两个拐点。


    Abstract: The hydrodynamic characteristics of staggering peak flows at the Y-shaped confluence of Yiluo River are systemically investigated for the planning and design of a flood-prevention project. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model is applied to the Y-shaped confluence to simulate staggering peak flows. The hydrodynamic characteristics of staggering peak flows can thus be analyzed including water levels and flow patterns, as well as the interaction of two tributary flows. Results show that model simulations agree well with observations. The surface-water flow pattern in the confluence section shows a saddle-shaped surface moving downstream with an increase in discharge.The overbank flow caused by the stronger tributary flow can obstruct the weaker one during the course of staggering peak flows. The hydrodynamic characteristics in the confluence section are significantly associated with the ratio of stronger tributary flow to the weaker one. The structure and direction of rotation of spiral induced flow downstream of the confluent point are determined by the stronger tributary flow. The variation of water level with time exhibits a quadratic curve with three line segments during the course of staggering peak flows, and the duration of high water levels can be 5 to 7 times longer than that occurred during the course of a single peak flow or a single flow with the equivalent peak value. The stage-discharge relation graph can be fitted with a forked curved line. The latter has two inflection points in the vicinity of the two flood peaks.


